How Is Periodontal Disease Treated The two main goals of periodontal treatment are the elimination of subgingival plaque and calculus, and to reduce the gum pockets to the 0-3mm range where they are cleansable. If a regenerative procedure is being attempted then an additional goal is to regenerate lost periodontal support around the tooth, primarily […]

Periodontal disease treatment
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (26) on May 11, 2010 in Periodontal (gum) disease 101

How is Periodontal disease diagnosed?
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (26) on May 11, 2010 in Periodontal (gum) disease 101
Periodontal disease is diagnosed using and instrument called a periodontal probe. The probe is inserted between the gingiva and the tooth. Gentle pressure is used until the probe meets resistance, and then a measurement is taken. Typically, the tooth is probed at 6 different points. Bleeding upon withdrawing or during probing is always diagnostic of […]
Mini implants used to stabilize a temporary denture
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on April 22, 2010 in Dental implants, Mini implants, News
In this case, mini dental implants (Dentatus Atlas system) are placed along with the permanent dental implants (Nobelbiocare Tapered Groovy system). The mini dental implants are used for the purpose of stabilizing the temporary denture. By using this technique the temporary denture can be modified by removing the palatal aspect as well as decreasing the […]

Tooth removal using EZ Extract system
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (26) on April 13, 2010 in Dental implants, Exodontia - tooth removal
This case involves removing tooth #7 and placing an immediate implant. A key to success for immediate loading is the preservation of bone and gingival architecture during the tooth extraction. The EZ Extract system helps to accomplish this by elevating the tooth vertically out of its tooth socket, as opposed to lateral elevation. Lateral elevation […]
Gum graft with simultaneous root coverage
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 13, 2010 in News
In this case, we are adding a new method to the standard procedure by advancing the gingival collar coronally to cover the root surface at the same time we are adding the graft to increase the zone of attached gingiva. Note the difference in root coverage before and just one week after the procedure. Placing […]
Gingingival graft with simultaneous root coverage
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 13, 2010 in News
In this case, we are adding a new method to the standard procedure by advancing the gingival collar coronally to cover the root surface at the same time we are adding the graft to increase the zone of attached gingiva. Note the difference in root coverage before and just one week after the procedure. Placing […]
Gingingival graft with simultaneous root coverage
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 13, 2010 in Gingival augmentation (gum grafting), News
In this case, we are adding a new method to the standard procedure by advancing the gingival collar coronally to cover the root surface at the same time we are adding the graft to increase the zone of attached gingiva. Note the difference in root coverage before and just one week after the procedure. Placing […]
Guided implant surgery multi tooth
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 8, 2010 in Dental implants, News
This case involves multiple units with poor bony dimensions and close proximity with the mandibular nerve.
Guided implant surgery multi tooth
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 8, 2010 in Dental implants, News
This case involves multiple units with poor bony dimensions and close proximity with the mandibular nerve.
Guided implant surgery single tooth
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 7, 2010 in Dental implants, News
Guided implant surgical case – minimal bony dimensions for dental implant placement. This case is in progress, but it involves implant placement in minimal bony dimensions. This case would be extremely difficult to do without guided surgery. It would be very easy to perforate the alveolar housing. Using guided surgery though the implant can be […]
Semilunar graft
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 7, 2010 in News
This type of graft is used to try to cover an exposed root surface. A moon shaped incision is made in the gingiva. The two corners are left attached. The attached corners allow blood to flow through the graft. The center section of the graft is moved toward the crown of the tooth to cover […]
Gingival prosthetic
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (9) on March 6, 2010 in News, Ridge augmentation
This patient presented with maxillary alveolar ridge atrophy. The large air space below the bridge was creating a phonetic problem as it was allowing air to pass through, creating a lisp. The patient was also concerned about the gingival aesthetics of the area. While ridge augmentation using soft and or hard tissue is also a treatment consideration, […]
About Periodontal disease
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (26) on February 21, 2010 in Periodontal (gum) disease 101
About Periodontal Disease The following synopsis of periodontal disease has been simplified for the general public. It is not inclusive, but speaks generally about the nature of this disease. Periodontal disease is a diseased state of the tissues surrounding the tooth. These tissues are the gingiva (gum), bone and periodontal ligament. As the disease progresses […]
Halitosis (bad breath)
About: I am a Periodontist in Valencia CA and I have been in private practice in since 1990. I am blessed to be able to say that my work is also my play. I hope to share my insights, with you, that I have cultivated over the last 20 years.See Authors Posts (26) on February 9, 2010 in Treatment
In addition to our blogs, here are some other links on this topic Wikipedia
Lip lowering periodontal plastic surgery procedure for a gummy smile October 9, 2010
Hypermobile lip plastic surgery for a gummy smile February 19, 2011
Connective tissue gum graft August 8, 2010
- Is Arrestin a therapeutic treatment for reducing gum pockets? February 7, 2010
Surgical exposure of an impacted canine tooth for orthodontic guided eruption November 13, 2010
Subeptithelial connective tissue gum graft with root coverage February 22, 2011
Hypermobile lip plastic surgery for a gummy smile February 19, 2011
About January 16, 2011
Gum graft to cover exposed root surfaces January 16, 2011
- Floss your teeth in the shower, a suggestion for people to start flossing their teeth. December 24, 2010
Jack Wasserstein, DDS: Unfortunately, I am not sure, but I will try to fi...
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Jack Wasserstein, DDS: The primary outbreak of Herpes is usually the wors...
Jack Wasserstein, DDS: I would get a consult from each and stick with who...
Jack Wasserstein, DDS: The benefit of using Arestin with Scaling and root...
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