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Mouth Ulcer

(2 posts)
  • Started 12 years ago by
  • Latest reply from Jack Wasserstein, DDS


  1. Anonymous

    I have had an ulcer in my mouth located under the back, bottom, right molar for 3 weeks.  I have been to a dentist twice and my physician once.  It has gotten better, but a hard 'thing' was in the middle.  I reurned to the dentist and he said that was my jawbone exposed.  He is giving me 2 weeks for the gum to grow over it or he wants me to go to an oral surgeon, who will shave the necrotic bone off to expose good bone. I would like to avoid this if I could.  Two days before it appeared, I was hit in the side of my head by an extremely hard spike. 

    Have you ever had an ulcer eat to the bone in a patient?

    Should I see a periodontist instead of an oral surgeon.  The tooth above the ulcer has had a root canal.  That tooth doesn't hurt, but the gum surrounding it is EXTREMELY tender and it hurts to eat.

    Posted 12 years ago #
  2. Hi Laura,

    I have seen these before. They can occur after a periodontal surgery. They usually take about 6 weeks to completely heal. If you see a Periodontist, they can hasten the process by doing exactly what your dentist said, but it is something that will heal on its own. The exposed bone will become a scab, and eventually come off. When that happens there will be new mucosa (skin) underneath.

    Posted 12 years ago #

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